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Eighth Avenue 487, New York 
We are a creative promotional broadcast production agency who is not only passionate in the field of marketing, but also manufacturing/distribution. We specialize in product development and we create outstanding production events ...

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Simplicity WDC

The DeBilzan Galleries represent the work of artist William DeBilzan.  Entering the third decade of his professional career, DeBilzan has exhibited and is collected worldwide. From the Burj Khalifa in Dubai to the Marriott Central Park in New York, his paintings and sculptures are sought after for their visual and emotional impact.  Private collectors seek his work for the same reason, often commenting on the “good vibes” that DeBilzan’s paintings bring to their homes.  Elongated abstract figures, rich texture, and a Caribbean-inspired color palette make DeBilzan’s work not only immediately recognizable, but memorably unique.





Aron Neville

